Monday, February 04, 2008


Hi there. Thought I'd post an update with what's going on this New Year for me. Still running and exercising. No real changes yet. I think I've established a good base now w/ the consistent long runs on the weekend with the boys.

My parents are in the Phillippines and won't be back until 3/17 and they're doing a very extensive remodel at their home while they're away. That's been very exciting and fun for all of us in my family. It's taken up some of my time outside of work and fitness but it's been really awesome seeing the changes at their house. My brother-in-law has been just phenomenal with the whole remodel too. He's taken up Real Estate the last couple of years and has built a couple of homes and established some great connections at the same time. His knowledge, expertise and networks has really helped my parents with this remodel. We can't thank him enough for all of his hard work. My sister has been going to the house during the week and videotaping the transition and I plan to make a cool video for the Holidays. We're planning on doing a little "extreme home makeover" video the day they come back too!

I went running yesterday with Scott and I can't tell you how fortunate we've been with the weather this Winter. I think we've only had rain once or twice during our long runs. We did a 6 1/2 miler yesterday and we threw in a "fart leg" (first time I've heard this before :-) during the run to push our heart rate and pace. I didn't feel that great yesterday and I think a lot of it was I woke up early and had an early breakfast and didn't eat for 5 hours so I didn't have too much reserve energy for the run.

I've got a pretty good schedule for exercising now. Monday is my usual rest day and I hit the weights and cardio during the week. Saturday is our soccer game and Sunday is the long run. I've noticed I haven't gotten sick either...which is awesome.

I had Mackerel last week at a Japanese restaurant...painful! Very tough to get down. It almost made me regress and not want to eat seafood ever again! My buddy gave me a California Roll and that was actual pretty good. I'll keep the seafood thing going....just sticking to less "fishy" seafood. I know there are a lot of healthy benefits with seafood I just can't forgo.

My weight hasn't changed any (166lbs). I've been bad recently but I feel it's better to have moderation with that stuff then fully, outright avoid that stuff. I've realized living a life of extremes is really not realistic. I've experienced failure in the past (and I've seen it with other too) when you try to live a life like that. Baby steps and moderation!

Talk to you later!